A word on genetic engineering
The human genome (DNA) * is decoded and registered. Now, Charles Darwin, has finally and irrevocably been proven right. It turns out the man is just a product of the interplay of its Eiweisgruppen (DNS) We differ only slightly from the worm more genes. The monkey by accident, and Eva is not a product of Adams rib more. Since there is the Catholic. Church to correct something again. DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid
course, carries the genetic research a great opportunity for early detection of many diseases. Very reasonable hope for new drugs to tailor therapies, some even before birth. So with us now hardly children with Down syndrome are born. This genetic defect is detected early in the amniotic fluid, and the aborted embryos.
paternity suits are piling up. Criminals are transferred quickly and safely taken with it if it is a gene file.
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Now it's done! Added on Wednesday the 8th June 2005
police should be allowed to use genetic fingerprinting to frequent
For faster transfer of offenders are allowed to use police and prosecutors become more frequent and the genetic fingerprint. The federal cabinet decided on Wednesday a corresponding change in the law. Until now, subject to use and storage of high-volume DNA analysis. Thus only a judge may order genetic testing of traces at the scene. In future this should also be allowed prosecutors and police.
Storage the genetic fingerprint in the DNA file of the police should in future not even with repeat offenders, serious crimes such as criminal damage or trespass, be possible. So far, only sex offenders and offenders who had committed serious crimes were recorded in the file.
criticism came from Union, FDP and the police union. CDU legal expert Juergen Gehb argued that the adopted bill go far enough. The genetic fingerprint would have to be equal to the normal fingerprint. The DNA analysis was not an intense invasion of personal rights than photographs or normal print of the finger. The Bavarian Interior Minister Guenther Beckstein (CSU) of a "half-hearted" solution. In the fight against crime, the genetic fingerprint was of paramount importance. The police union called the bill inadequate.
contrast, if the FDP politician Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger the use of DNA analysis as an investigative tool as normal. The genetic analysis and storage is not comparable to a fingerprint, but a sensitive instrument, which contains much more information. The government disregards the expansion of the DNA analysis on non-serious offenses the spirit of the Constitutional Court. This had found that the storage and use of DNA identification of patterns in the fundamental right of informational Self-determination is involved.
had earlier this year the rapid success of the police investigation into the murder of Rudolph Moshammer, a heated debate on the extension of DNA analysis in crime reduction. On the basis of DNA evidence at the scene of the murder of the Munich-based fashion designer was arrested two days after the fact. (AP)
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It is to be feared that in future not only is distinguished by color, race, religion or political persuasion. Soon to be selected after the gene pool and discriminated against. At work, when taking out insurance, in organ or blood donation.
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Now it's done: added on Tuesday 16 August 2005
limit genetic testing
employers should only in exceptional cases, genetic testing of candidates can claim. The National Ethics Council of the hit on Tuesday in Berlin, and advised, genetic testing for only the most sensitive occupations such as pilots admit. Greens and the FDP, however, argued for a general ban on data-sharing and warned of a "glass man". In less sensitive to
professions employers to notions of the Ethics Council ask only for existing diseases and equipment should. This could be needed to assess whether a candidate was "for the proposed activity physically, mentally and medically appropriate." In such cases, the information should, however, only have influence on a personnel decision, if an established disease have a high probability of impact on the working ability of the candidate.
deems feasible, the Ethics Council to take account only of diseases that affect within six months with a probability of 50 percent over the exercise of the profession. Different but the situation lay with officials: Because of the masters from them, a welfare and service obligation for life, the effects of disease and disease plants are eligible, which affected within five years, with a probability of more than 50 percent of the activity.
The Green Party politician Volker Beck and Biggi Bender called the opinion of the Ethics Council a "step backwards" for the protection of citizens against discrimination. The genetic engineering expert for the Greens, Reinhard Loske, criticized the suitability of a person as a pilot or bus driver "can be combined with conventional tests and investigations to determine better." The Ethics Council meet held its opinion had become necessary because genetic tests and other medical procedures could make more precise statements about diseases, the first break in the future.
of Rhineland-Palatinate Justice Minister Herbert Mertin (FDP), meanwhile, called for a statutory ban on "forced genetic testing." "Workers and the insured must be protected from having their individual genes are discovered and disclosed," said the minister, who is also chairman of the Bioethics Commission of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate. General would have brought the possibilities of genetic engineering "from the legal gray zone" and therefore more transparent. (Reuters)
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added on Monday 3 October 2005, 13:01 clock
blood test is the future help in diagnosis in the womb (Reuters)
Washington (Reuters). An international team of researchers has discovered a way to identify the blood of pregnant women, the genotype of the fetus: the fetal genetic material is missing in certain places, a chemical marker by which the maternal DNA is provided. This difference may help to replace the risky amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases by a harmless blood test. Report on their work by Stephen Chim the Chinese University in Hong Kong and his colleagues in the journal "PNAS" (online publication, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0503335102).
order hereditary diseases or chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 21 to have to diagnose in the womb, women usually have to undergo an amniocentesis about themselves. But this method, in which a long needle is pierced through the abdomen into the amniotic sac is not safe for mother and child: it may lead to infection or in rare cases even cause a miscarriage. Therefore, scientists since the discovery that in the bloodstream of pregnant women is also DNA of the fetus, on a method to detect this specific genotype. So far, the main difficulty, however, is to distinguish the few DNA molecules of the child from the far greater numbers of the mother.
Currently the only successful if the fetus is a boy: Because of differences in this case, the sex chromosomes of mother and children, must be sought in the mother's blood only after the male Y chromosome. The new approach of Chim and his colleagues, however, works with girls and boys. Instead of looking for differences in the sequence of letters in the genetic material, the researchers compared that to the mother and the child's DNA chemical markers - so-called methyl groups - were coupled. The result: During the studied region of the genetic mother many methyl groups contained the DNA of the missing child in the same place the marker molecules. This stark childhood genetic material could be detected throughout pregnancy in maternal blood, but disappeared within 24 hours after birth, the researchers report.
The researchers now hope to be able to develop on the basis of this difference, various diagnostic tests. Thus they were able to demonstrate that in case of pregnancy poisoning, the amount of the child's DNA in maternal blood increases. Such an increase may be a sign of trisomy 21 or premature labor, the Scientists. In addition, the marker analysis was also a general tool to identify fetal genetic material and then examine it for genetic changes can be.
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test persons with that certain something will soon be able to earn much money . Partners Wanted! But only with blood group 0 + and gene code 007th For example, an ad will appear soon. It is up to us to watch this development very vigilant and critical. Like after the discovery of nuclear fission, the evil will take on our world from this new knowledge soon its usefulness.
In a few years ago, the first cloned animals are born, and later the first baby. We will not have prevented. The genes in all living things are equal. Only the arrangement and location as determined is such a being. You can replace a gene of the fruit fly readily to that of a man. (We experimented with fruit flies, because the results quickly available.) Today one can manipulate the genes of a fly so that it grows a foot out of his head or grow two more eyes on the back. All this is of course with human genes.
Sometimes nature brings forth such perverse changes. But that may be in the lab now imitate. It is possible to create a human being, or perhaps we should say a being of human origin, that is perfectly adapted to conditions in space. I care less oxygen consumption, more easily, perhaps with four arms instead of superfluous legs. Everything possible will be. Only the ethics will hopefully set limits. Maybe we'll wait and see. Our children for sure!
Berlin 1996
Horst Kröpke