Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ararza トレント

The moralists and the pure

Whenever I read interviews or speeches of the left and right statists, I wonder: How is it that these politicians can be selected by the same people who want to patronize them?

I try to comment on current cases in this series:

Martin Rüegg, SP (District BL) Motion 22nd June 2006 :

One reason for the increasing number of people with obesity is due to the wide geographic availability of food and beverages.

trust Mr. Rüegg also (among others) to his constituents not to decide for themselves when they have eaten enough, but:

Alcohol also is now available at almost every street corner. The more alcohol is available almost everywhere around the Clock, the greater the temptation to use it.

Apart from the fact that it is not permissible rhetoric of a "problem" (Overweight) is simply a different (alcoholism) to close (because one could argue, had become the people fatter, since it at Migros Budget products or Coop guaranteed one).

important here is that once again driven by a (rather small) problem for a state solution. The sale of alcohol should be so restricted not only to young people - but to everyone.

What really scares me here is the (un) holy alliance between moralists and "pure": the one hand, the SP and the other, the EPP. Already in sight are the next steps:

alcohol ban at the Euro 2008

Alcohol ban on public holidays

alcohol ban for ever - a Swiss Prohibition?

total ban on alcohol

Letter To Judgecommunity Service

Our Future: Responsible, hard working and compassionate

Our youth is better than its reputation! I did it (granted sometimes merely hoped) always known - but now it is proved that

The prejudice of lazy and brutalizing children and young people must be corrected according to a study by the University of Zurich. Boys and girls in Switzerland are highly sensitive in a responsible manner, and ready to make an effort, say the researchers.

Source: Tagi

course, this is a bit against the paternalism from left and right, which require more and more bans. If we want to educate our children to become responsible citizens, we must also help them develop personal responsibility. New regulations and bans are the wrong way.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Best Galvanized Boat Trailer

Tax Justice -initiative has nothing to do with justice for two

our red comrades have again identified a new class enemy: the rich and high income individuals are to blame! Initiative with a name "for fair taxes. "Stop the abuse of tax competition they want to create more tax fairness:

After that, the taxable income of 250,000 francs to at least 22 percent and the taxable investment from 2 million at least 5 parts per thousand are taxed.

second pillar of the initiative is the express prohibition on a sliding scale according to the model of the Canton Obwalden: High income and wealth should be taxed more leniently than anywhere deeper. For the Bern National Councillor Margret Kiener Nellen graduated taxes are "a frontal assault on tax fairness and social cohesion."

Source: NZZ

here would have to say that the Canton Schaffhausen already been taxed since 2004, also gradually decreased:

the first canton to individuals taxed progressively reduced, had Schaffhausen. Since 2004, he demanded lower rates on income from 500 000 francs.

Source: Süddeutsche Newspaper

The President of the SP, Hans-Jürg Fehr (a Schaffhauser!) Had at that time, of course, nothing against it - only wanted to do the same as the Obwalden. Yes, yes there are always the others.

would be much more important than more taxes for the responsible use of taxpayers' money. If our politicians to spend less, we will all have to pay less. Interesting how a party that calls itself "klar.sozial" suddenly tried to drive a wedge into society and points the finger at the evil rich - along the lines of: yes, it must pay the other more.

The initiative text is not online yet but I'll bet though: There is no word in it, that the taxes (which of course would like to approve the trick that only other pay to entice votes) for the other 98% will be reduced - on the contrary, will be at least as much or pay even more to when the rich move away. Even so, the SP would have reached one of its objectives: all have become a little more equal. Among them understand our comrades "justice". This initiative makes all the losers.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Plain Metal Core Wheels

En de Meyer

Our beloved Ringier Hofmonarch can once again announced from Berlin :

That's the neo-liberal dream back! In the period before the French Revolution. Before the slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity." Before the modern, because the company committed citizenship. Above all, before the welfare state, the employees integrated into bourgeois society.

Dear Mr. Meyer: Liberalism is in Switzerland simultaneously with circles of the Enlightenment in accrued on the middle class and aristocracy favored the landed gentry. So even an anti-aristocratic movement.

No, the neo-liberal dream is a let 'from the tutelage of a state of self-responsibility of each individual. And no return to Manchester liberalism. By the same argument could also SP of the desire to return to communism accuse (a moment, there seems so one or the other case in mind).

What makes me worry: The shrill cry be the Meyer (b) t, the more uncomfortable must be its location. Arguments are entirely absent.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

250 Honda Recon With Snow Blade

Today died a misuse of a term harm Idol

deeply saddened I read in the NZZ that Milton Friedman died today. Who should not know what size is there left us, should sometimes watch this video:

More on Milton Friedman in Wikipedia .

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where To Buy Burts Bees In Manila?

From today's NZZ: Deteriorating understanding of pace 80 in Ticino
"The radar control of Thursday morning caught the police's record number of 83 racers, which had 66 foreign number plates. One was on the way with 134 km / h, although only 80 km / h were allowed, said the Ticino police on Thursday. A total of 12 licenses were withdrawn. "
Aha, now we are thus already an evil speedster, if you're not on arbitrary and unnecessary speed restrictions on motorways holds. Nota bene: I am an absolute advocate that you Raser punished: FFR reckless behavior has no place in our road. But the concept of "speeders" is misused here, if in the same location under the same conditions of time a limit of 80km / h and sometimes one is 120 km / h, makes me as a driver for a long time not for speeders.

Our media harm the cause, if such cases are exaggerated. Far more dangerous than speeders on highways (which are designed to travel faster) are those in urban areas and on neighborhood streets.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Morrowind Xbox Version. Enemies Health

products liability and the McDonald's case

interesting approach, celibacy, with incentives of a market economy comparisons. However, the example of product liability based on the McDonald's court case wrong
Thus, a motorist in the U.S. a million suit against McDonald's won because he was the paper cup of coffee was driving a car wedged between his legs and braking burns fetched. Reason: McDonald's had not indicated that such a thing could happen. Under such absurd cases eventually suffers the general public by the products become more expensive because they are sold with a kilo instructions. These show a direct correlation to all possible hazards of the product in order to avoid potential liability. Profiteers are only the lawyers for which the product liability is a welcome economic development.
This now-famous case, something else happened as a very effective opponents of U.S. products liability kolpotiert so much is. The 79-year-old Stella Liebeck has been emptied by a McDonald's coffee incurred third-degree burns on lap, thighs and buttocks and had to eight days and hospitalized for two more years to be treated. The lady wanted compensation for U.S. $ 20,000 medical bills, McDonald's offered U.S. $ 800 The process has been proven that McDonald's the problem through 700 complaints known, their coffee was 20 degrees Celsius hotter than others and not informing their customers too little about their abnormally hot coffee. The court was said to McDonald's and Liebeck 80% to 20% and the latter owed U.S. $ 160,000 damages and $ 2.7 million to compensation. The judge reduced the latter to $ 480,000; so that Liebeck had received total U.S. $ 640,000. Liebeck and McDonald's went in appeal and regulated the matter out of court close (probably about as part of the judicial decisions). This case is an example of how American products liability is successful. Although one can assume that coffee is hot - but not cause third degree burns. McDonald's also announced that their customers consume the coffee mainly go and the reference to the cup just a reminder and a warning of the danger is. If I am a coffee with a temparature of 85-90 degrees Celsius (in the manual of McDonald's demands) would serve, I would burn my mouth too strong.
fact that a producer for defective products or related liability risks is, first of all make sense, since such a liability is forcing the company to a certain degree of care in production. But at the same time to put an incentive to shift the liability for all accidents and other damage to the producer.
These products liability is not a ban, but a requirement for companies to produce safe products. Rather than individually regulate each area (such as hot may be a cup of coffee), the balancing of the need for protection of consumers against the company a market (yes, with lawyers and judges) is left. This is very effective because it relieved and the legislature has been shown to lead to safer products.

way: U.S. $ 2.7 million as the sales in accordance with the McDonald's makes coffee in two days. Disproportionate?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hot To Watch Bangbros For Free?

EM-Tickets available as bureaucratic in the World Cup (sports, NZZ Online)

Bravo, finally a voice again the Vernuft:
"The Umschreiberei is too complicated for ordinary fan. Although it is a good idea, but not in practice feasible. The stages are thus not "safe," said Kallen.
I particularly like: The EM
organizers rely on a system in which only the purchaser of the tickets must provide their personal details. This is in order for all persons responsible for which he has purchased a ticket.
is thus satisfied with what Bruce Schneier describes here:
By putting up a sign saying "Your purchase free if you do not get a receipt," the employer is getting the customer to guard the employee. The customer makes sure the employee gives him a receipt, and employee theft is reduced accordingly.

There is a general rule in security to align interest with capability. The customer has the capability of watching the employee; the sign gives him the interest.
Selbstveranwortung is the first step to improving security.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Amortization For 365/360

media release

From a media release the Security Council of States:
The Commission is aware that it is one of the biggest challenges for Swisscom to keep the technology level of doubt, however, that this is achieved with the privatization will lose the federal government all this way but influence.
Oh what nonsense! Since when has made it our (or any other) government to ensure his influence that a government entity may own any tech? Some in the 80s when you had to rent or dial-Telephone of PTT but and yes no non-Ofcom-approved phones to the PTT network was allowed to use? And although these forbidden apparatus works beautifully, and have less money for more power (number redial and memory!) Offered. Technologienievau - I do not laugh!