Whenever I read interviews or speeches of the left and right statists, I wonder: How is it that these politicians can be selected by the same people who want to patronize them?
I try to comment on current cases in this series:
Martin Rüegg, SP (District BL) Motion 22nd June 2006 :
One reason for the increasing number of people with obesity is due to the wide geographic availability of food and beverages.
trust Mr. Rüegg also (among others) to his constituents not to decide for themselves when they have eaten enough, but:
Alcohol also is now available at almost every street corner. The more alcohol is available almost everywhere around the Clock, the greater the temptation to use it.
Apart from the fact that it is not permissible rhetoric of a "problem" (Overweight) is simply a different (alcoholism) to close (because one could argue, had become the people fatter, since it at Migros Budget products or Coop guaranteed one).
important here is that once again driven by a (rather small) problem for a state solution. The sale of alcohol should be so restricted not only to young people - but to everyone.
What really scares me here is the (un) holy alliance between moralists and "pure": the one hand, the SP and the other, the EPP. Already in sight are the next steps:
Alcohol ban on public holidays
alcohol ban for ever - a Swiss Prohibition?
total ban on alcohol
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