have the swatches of the "Chant des Lavandes range from Lancome Ombre Absolu range of you, yes I already shown. The last few days I wanted to try me, nachzuschminken two looks that were printed on the instructions . Or rather, once the "Sophisticated" look and even a AnnDee-style look that the "Contrast" look in the manual is quite similar.
Remember - these are the four colors of the palette:
And here a view of the guide is:
to better assess the range, I have applied to one eye a base (Artdeco), on the other not .
Made-I was not the sweet little applicators from the set, but with my brushes.
My conclusion is as follows:
(click to enlarge)
As you can see, it is not quite symmetrical - Especially under the eye. I wil not be pushed onto the pallet. Fault was my own inexperience - I wear is usually no eye shadow under the eye ...
One can see quite well that it is should definitely wear a base including , because no base I could not paint evenly:
(click to enlarge)
Without Base The result was very spotty. Very sophisticated: - / With base on the other hand, it was pretty evenly.
Okay, I almost always use a base, but of a high-price range like this, I would have expected that the great result even without base is . This is really bad!
still get a small flood of images for Sophisticated look before the second, more natural look:
My implementation of the instructions:
on these close-ups my AMU may indeed reasonably look acceptable, but is in reality so much (so strong) color under the eye for me rather unfavorable (Quote from Mr. Deelicious: "You look like you have with Mike Tyson boxed) . Therefore, the above look was only a test.
In reality, I look worn below - please note that the following pictures were taken 10 hours after application of the make-ups!
(Please excuse that the light is so bad, but I did not wait until the weekend to show you a better exposed AMU can -. And after work I get easily out no good pictures)
Here I have the Highlighter (# 1) is applied under the brow, the Rosé (# 2) came to the entire eyelid, the bright purple (# 3) came to the crease and outer corner (and was blinded to the inside).
~ The "actual" Review ~
was actually my sentence initially not as good , but then I had another look made up, taken them all day and then made an observation: in this range, it is not no matter which base you wear!
-> First Look (without Artdeco Base + Base) lost very soon in brilliance, which I found very sad.
-> Second Look (MAC Paint Pot Painterly "as the base) was on the other hand all day.
Ergo: this Lancome palette is compatible with the better of MAC Paint Pots as the Artdeco Base.
with base (here: no matter what) it was the eye shadow clear mission and blind - without, unfortunately, he was uneven. With Base (again no matter which one) is kept away from the crease of the eye shadow.
~ The verdict ~
I am a big fan of that range because I predict the colors very . I also find the idea of the instructions to three different looks very super . That for a uniform result requires a base is a shame - but for me acceptable (because I already almost always wear a base). Note, however, is sure to
the difference in quality and durability of eye shadow when using different Bases . If you have discovered, however once that base is the ideal (a third, I have and I will try them sometime soon), the management of this range is no longer a problem.
Have you similar experiences with the Ombre Absolu pallets (or even with the Lancome eye shadow in general) done? Do you know other eye shadow (/ cosmetics label), which also react differently to different bases?
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