Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Best Ski Boots For Bigger Calves

The education of our children

A word to the education and training of our children (written 1996)

instead unqualified drivel of defining cultures, should our children and adolescents is a cosmopolitan education . allow Travel to other countries and cultures belongs in the curriculum. The only way to combat xenophobia. If the package to Majorca for less than a week's wages to have, it will be possible to give each a targeted school-age children abroad from the education budget. The nations would have to agree, and could only set up sponsorships with permanent camps or camps, and in exchange use by schools can be. But because our politicians are inflexible.

What you have created for us all Narrowing laws? Instead of teaching our children properly and to train, you have to leave the mass media. Since they are based now on celebrity culture and advertising, and strive towards the spiritual squalor.

As we have children of the 50s and 60s, life only managed? Our parents sent us

morning from the house and saw us only at night. Not even a cell phone we had!

We wore a helmet when cycling, drinking water from leaded pipes. Once a week we were bathed and showered cold.

We fought our way through the day, but learned to assert ourselves, and could deal with defeats. No one was sued for breach of a duty of supervision, and when the schoolmaster us once fired one, he must have no worry of having to appear in court. We have told our parents not at all, because then we would have had even more trouble.

Playstation and computer, we did not have. We played football in the street, or marbles and Kibbe choppy. Television broadcast only in the evening. Who wanted to know what new, had to learn to read! We exchanged our literary treasures with friends.

hunger, we always had! We ate almost everything and it got lost so many inedible in our hardened stomachs. We took from crows' nests and fried eggs. The crows have survived. We!

We went into a little room school and with teaching aids, but a lot of ambition. We expect even write and learned. The root, we moved by hand because there were no calculators. Equations with unknowns were no problem and my dog was called Pythagoras because he was so smart and knew every angle. We learned to improvise, my Aristo slide rule I use still loves.

We sat for six or eight in the first VW with no seat belt and disc brake. No electronically controlled airbag protected us. The cars schläuderten CO ² from your exhaust pipes and out of the plastic seats evaporate toxic lead and cadmium dust. We did not have your laws. As we have just survived?

We still good craftsmen and technicians have become. We have 60 or more hours a week working hard and the next generation provided a lot of inventions, developments and innovative solutions. Our technical developments were good and "Made in Germany" had a good sound! Today she uses her for granted. Ask your grandmothers' time, as it was, without a washing machine, on Tuesday, Washing day of the week?

Now your turn!

But the circle of "Could haves" and "knowing" is always with you less later generations. All I see is stupid, naughty "wimps" and "wimps" rumlungern. Most of you are infested with advertising, celebrity culture, perverse game consoles, and alcohol and cigarettes!

your parents do not love you anymore!

lives more than half of you now from the ticket office of our social community. The rest feels "in", runs a ring through his nose, speaks denglish * and "jobt" from an ecstasy-Disco-Weekend to another.

allow others to shave their head to put on ridiculous clothes, and think that right now to be "German."

How much will you actually leave your offspring? On the policy

You may not leave you! That could never! You have to have even knock on the front and sit on the bottom. I have seen much of the world and found everywhere stupidity and poverty sisters.

the charge, I advise most urgently needed is a return to performance-oriented training and targeted education.

not innate or lost previous heart heat can be awakened only by applied charity. Unfortunately have the family structures of our time is now less and less room for such an education. The concept of education has been eroded anyway. find an ethical, social knowledge not at all rather than more.

a tendency to parroting the slogans and the imitation of so-called superstars, has pushed the education of social maturity entirely. Our schools and the Christian state churches have completely failed.

If we do not soon stop whining and not pave ways to put our children in more stringent, reasonable training and apprenticeships, we have already in some Years, no more skilled workers and engineers.

You ladies and gentlemen, Science and Cultural Affairs have, but vowed "to prevent harm from the people!" It does exactly the opposite! If your not reversed immediately, it will soon be over with "Made in Germany" and then "God's grace to us!

Our children are crammed with Teletubbis, Pokemon and other nonsense. Stupid and smear Violent Video Games and the brain structures leave little room for real, humble recognition of reality. indoctrinated by advertising, even small children annoy their mothers.

Where did with us, "A sweet-intentioned zukunftsfestigende slap at the right time" helped still now flutter beschäuerte "super nannies" on the screens and get unnerved parents in education.

The chatter, some of corporate lobbyists to well lubricated scientists that continuous television and computer games has no effect on education is absurd.

Television broadcasts from midnight pornography and your program directors said no because children watch more. Your spinner and charlatans is advertising and consumption before the awe of the physical and emotional intimacy. "Greed is good" for you. What is lust but really, you seem to have forgotten. yes everyone says today. But you have vorgeplappert Dreckschläudern it until the brats! The

permanent, targeted appeals to base instincts, which are now held once every Individum is a fact that is a thing to the Criminal Code. But this should not be, then yes, the missing impressionable consumers.

top of that can be irresponsible, greedy types that crap about deceptive numbers 0190 and still paying. Who probably all deserve it? Those responsible, at least those of our publicly owned media institutions should be ashamed, so as to tolerate some of our fees. If they do not!

What's going on in Germany? Children do not seem very popular! An increasing image, bad water on the brain of Officials in the youth services is involved in incredible bureaucracy. Children die in our midst in anonymous high-rises. Newborn babies are not at first accepted and vescharrt in flower boxes, cellars and gardens. Or to hide them in cabinets irgentwann dispose of them.

where we live anyway?

Merkt your responsible state officials for not at all, as a society that has grown from parents who have learned no respect of life and morality?

Now you let the children and youth of those who are for once, parents always used, again alone, without guidance, without love, without morals, without education and training.

How are we to get into the rotting, smeared schools and education? In most dilapidated, dirty and dilapidated buildings, especially here in the capital, over and over indebted, is the motivation of the space and learners is zero! No trainers or teachers Mr wants these students because they are too stupid easy! From school into the social assistance!

all know it! But no one is doing something!

Now the family is the education of the children are very withdrawn. As reported also to have some say.

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inserted on 12 07. 2007 dpa

The DGB Vice-Chair Ingrid Very Brock said in an interview with Westdeutsche Zeitung: ". The aim must be, in fact, that the visit of nurseries, kindergartens and day schools will be mandatory"

If you are serious about taking the opportunities of the children may be no choice for parents, she added.

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inserted at 31 March 2006
Now it's done!

Given escalating violence is a Berlin primary school, a dramatic plea for help addressed to the Senate. The teachers of the Rütli school district Neukölln in the problem would pelted with objects, or not perceived, some colleagues went only with cell phone in class to get aid quickly to help.

It describes a letter to the inspectorate, which was announced on Thursday. The situation was characterized by destruction, violence and menschenverachtendem behavior against teachers. "We are at a loss," write the teachers.

Less than 20 percent of young people at school are of German origin.

are from this Friday to provide police officers to ensure that no weapons get into the building. According to Education Senator Klaus Boeger (SPD), the school also the future of two social workers and two School psychologists supported. "There will be no school in Berlin, who gave up," the senator said on Thursday.

in Berlin has been discussed for some time about how to be Arab-and Turkish-born young people better integrated. The opposition and the GEW teachers' union said on Thursday a complete failure of the education and integration policy in Berlin. The GEW demands the abolition of primary school.

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all knew it, many have warned, but no one has done something! The call for help of the teaching staff was issued in February. One month, the policy (Senator Böger school) needed to respond, and then only because once again the press has found out. Why is throwing the sheets out any?

The Rütli school is such a dirty and neglected for years by using so-called Graffitty smeared inside and out. Classrooms are being vandalized. No normal person would send his child to school here. But in the capital now are different social expectations. Whoever thinks that this was an isolated case? Far from it! In Berlin see a lot of schools like this and have the same problems.

your oath, "to prevent harm from the people" is nothing but lies and hot air! I despise most of you deeply!

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inserted on 20 February 2007
the meantime one has responded. The school was renovated, the sheets were thrown out, replaced the faculty and supplemented by school psychologists. Police are still there but the Rütli school has quickly become the flagship educational institution!

Well, it works!

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think but also to the other schools!

Berlin 1996

Horst Heinrich Kröpke

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Added on Saturday 7 October 2006

is slowly waking up some of the politicians!

Frankfurt / Main (AP) A growing underclass with no rise will threaten the estimation of SPD leader Kurt Beck will be a problem for Germany. It is worrying that be declining in much of the population of the quest for social advancement, said the SPD chairman of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper. " Germany had a growing problem, "some call it sub-layer problem." For this part of society that threatens to slip away, the SPD wanted the preventive welfare state.

Society have lost their permeability, this was a development that was to change the
urgently, "said Beck. "There are far too many people in Germany who have no hope of creating the rise. They resign themselves to their situation. They have material often arranged and well and culturally. It'll give television stations, which will really spoken of "lower class programs." "Previously it was in poor families, including my own, the aspirations of parents, my children will ever have it better," said Beck. There is a risk that this effort is lost in parts of the society.

Here the state must intervene to provide support, promote and demand, "said Beck. "For the part of society that threatens us slip away to be asked of the preventive social welfare state, the mean SPD wants." Are promoted in child care facilities would have language ability and motivation to ensure that children were from disadvantaged parents worldwide the opportunity and the ambition to rise.

"Without motivation no society can long endure. Performance must be worthwhile for everyone in Germany, "said Beck. The SPD will address these tasks and are accessible to the people that required special assistance. "This solidarity is the soul of the party, just as the essence of Christianity is charity," said Beck. not

Every fourth teacher professional fit
Added on Thursday 20 September 2007

Dusseldorf (AFP) - A quarter of all teachers is about to call for assessment of the educational researcher Klaus Hurrelmann with the job at the school. About half of the older teachers would take part in not more than 50 training courses and therefore would not be standing on the cutting edge of social and technological development, said the Bielefeld Professor of Social and Health Sciences at the Rheinische Post.

"These teachers lose contact with their students, they are no longer adequate and often not taken seriously" Hurrelmann said. This produces a feeling of overload and burnout being. The excessive demand is mainly the older teachers also responsible for the high number of early retirements.

To ensure the suitability of older teachers teaching the social scientist urges mandatory training. Hurrelmann also suggested that older teachers who are overwhelmed with the lessons to use as a break in supervision or administration.

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* Who does not know what "denglish" is? Here is a sampling of Reinhard Mey.

Sorry, Poor Old Germany
on the scrap heap Your books!
their long, not more up to date
Dick and German on the shelves here
stands between my paperbacks! Your
robbers have long killer
William Tell takes to pee-emm.
Sorry for you, Fred Schiller,
Sorry, poor old Germany!

Even the idol has fallen:
If the curse and now swears he brings
's just too 'precious pale
Ordinär'n four-letter word.
Werther drowned his troubles,
Faust sits in psychiatry.
Sorry for you, Johnny Goethe,
Sorry, poor old Germany!

man, could you see the great grandson
Des Ribbek on Ribbek in Havelland ! Behold
As you open the laces,
My dear Theo Fontane!
Ribbeks Birnbaum has long ash
gutmüt'ge And the former lover of children as a dealer
Fill the bag:
! "Come here, baby Willst'n joint?"

do not know what it means,
Your words are dying,
are not part of the people who now speaks
anything like Mickey Mouse.
Loreley alone saves
Hair Spray advertising in tee-vee.
Sorry for you, Henry Heine,
Sorry, poor old Germany!

Too bad for us, I mean.
Sorry, dear old Germany!

by Reinhard Mey


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