Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dennis Milanis Topless

Surdas (German)

Surdas was a great admirer of Lord Krishna. he was born blind. once, when he was on a pilgrimage, he fell into a well. "Oh lord, I am blind, please help me," he called out to Krishna.
seven days he spent at the fountain until he helped a child from the fountain. It was Gopal Krishna (Krishna's name as a child) who helped him from the fountain. but when he was back on the earth, the young had disappeared. instead, he heard the young lord krishna and radha talk. "Oh lord, I hear you speak, but I'll kannn not see because I am blind, "he said he wanted to see Krishna and Krishna knew this.." let me do, "said Radha, but lord krishna she warned:" Do not go too close, he'll hold on to their feet ". she approached Surdas anyway and asked him if he would hold her Surdas said. "I could hold you, I'm blind" so slipped back radha in his and touched him Surdas turned around and tried to hold on to the foot.. but managed to escape radha, but her foot small chains remained in Surdas hands.
"give me my Anklet back, it is to me an expensive gift of Lord Krishna," she said. "Is that your foot chain, how can I be sure I am blind " he replied. "I sure there are, they give me back," said Radha. Surdas wanted to see, he replied: "If you let me see, I'll believe that they are your". In the next moment had a vision Surdas. Radha and Krishna, he saw before him. she asked him if he had one wish. but you will not wish to meet me, Surdas said. "We have a desire never returns," said Krishna.
had so so Surdas a wish. he replied, "now that I've seen you with my own eyes, I will see nothing else in the world so please make me blind again.." Surdas was blind and so again.

other story about Surdas in english


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